القائمة الرئيسية


زيت الافوكادو الطبيعي
Now Foods, Solutions, Avocado Oil, 4 fl oz (118 ml)
زيت الافوكادو الطبيعي Now Foods, Solutions, Avocado Oil, 4 fl oz (118 ml)
زيت مرطب طبيعي 100% بدون اي اضافات كيميائية او مواد حافظة .
مرطب وغني بالعناصر الغذائية كل حسب نوعه, يرطب ويلين الجلد الجاف والمتشقق ويساعد على ازالة التجاعيد من البشرة ويوحد لون البشرة ويعيد للبشرة لونها الطبيعي .

بالامكان استخدامه على الجلد للترطيب او علاج التشقق او عمل المساج او وضعه على الشعر او خلطة مع زيوت اخرى .

تعليقات المستخدمين في موقع اي هيرب :
جميل مره مره اخلطة مع اللوشن اللي استخدمة يعطيني ترطيب فظيع ولمعة جميلة للجسم صرت استخدمه بعد الشاور كشيء اساسي و احطه بعد ع اطراف شعري
استخدمته لترطيب جسمي ، رائع وبدون رائحة. خلطته مع مجموعة زيوت بنسب متساوية لشعري (زيت بذور العنب + اللوز الحلو + الخروع + الجوجوبا + الأڤوكادو + ملعقة من زيت فيتامين إي) أدلك به فروة رأسي وأدهن به شعري مرتين أسبوعيا.. النتيجة راااااااائعة *ملاحظة* شعري ناعم ، مشكلتي كانت الجفاف والتقصف والبهتان.. وانحلت باستخدام هذه الزيوت
جدا ممتاز في ترطيب الجسم و اخفاء علامات التمدد سترتش ماركس. و يخلص البشرة من الجفاف ويساعد على تفتيح الجلد و ممكن تستخدميه على شعرك ليعطي الشعر لمعان وشكل صحي. جدا انصح فيه للترطيب.
استخدمته لبشرتي ومنطقة العيون وكمان رمووشي.. جميل رطب بشرتي من غير مايطلعلي حبوب وحسيت رموشي صارت اقووى.. انا عندي كمان اسمرار حول منطقة الفم حسيته خففلي هو شوي.. منتج طبيعي بدون اي اضافات وسعرهـ جميل وكميته كويسه تكفي لفترة

اذا حطيته بشعري ما يحتاج استشوره او ارتبه لانه هو يرطب ويعطي لشعر كثافه

المنتج جميل وخفيف جربته لشعري استخدمه بعد الاستحمام كمرطب للشعر جميل ولايعطي المظهر الدهني للشعر، جربته ايضا كمرطب للوجه بعد التقشير جميل وخفيف على البشره

قطرات قليله منه كافيه لترطيب جيد للشعر و استخدمه بعد السبوح ع جسم مبلول يطري و ينعم و يعطي لمعه و اهم شي أراعي لما اجفف جسمي اطبطب ما امسح نهائي

I'm 20 years old and have been battling with acne for many years. I have tried pretty much every single product out there that claims it will clear your skin. I've tried Pro-active, Clinique, Olay, Aveeno, Neutrogena, Biore, Lush, the Body Shop... you name it, I've slapped it on my face. I am so happy I found iHerb and came across this product. After years of slathering chemicals into my skin, I really think my skin appreciates the simplicity of avocado oil. Results were visible almost immediately, but after a month of use, I can say that my skin has never looked this good. My skin tone has evened out, my pores are smaller, my blackheads are practically non-existent, the small wrinkles I had on my forehead have disappeared, and the dark shallow skin under my eyes has plumped up and gained some colour. I was really nervous of applying pure oil to my face. It seems so counterintuitive; everything I've ever read for acne help has advised to use oil-free products. However, I've learned that OF COURSE they are going to advise that, because they are trying to sell you something else. They are going to tell you you need to spread salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide into your skin because if they can get people believing that, they make money. If there's one thing your skin needs, it's OIL, and I would bet my life that more than half the acne sufferers in the world have their problems because they are trying too hard to eliminate oil on their face. Looking back now I can't believe how much money I dropped over the years on horrible "miracle products." It makes me sick that those companies still market their acidic, chemical-laden products to poor kids struggling with acne. They' don't care if their products partially exacerbate acne, because that keeps the people buying it. No company wants to totally cure their consumers! Anyway, I think EVERYONE should use avocado oil, or at least seek more natural solutions and stop succumbing to the bullshark spewed by cosmetic companies.
makes skin feel fantastic. i place this under beeceuticals balm available at iherb. avocodo oil is meant to stimulate the water soluable collagen component of the skin and contains a whole load of goodies (protein and vitamins including potassium). Have a look on Pubmed for the research. I use this avocado oil during the day (its a golden colour) and the green avocado oil at night.
I'm a guy with dry skin who hates the feel of it. I've tried different types of moisturizer, use Burts Bee regularly which is very good but this alvocado oil is unlike anything used before. It seems like it conditions the skin at a deeper level, restoring the skin integrity rather than just putting a topical layer of moisture which dries out within 6 hours. I've also been taking a tablespoon of Carlson Cod liver oil and I cannot believe how much better my skin is. Combine these two and you will not have to worry about winter skin again. The Cod oil also helped with joint stiffness!! For 6 bucks why wouldn't you try it. This little bottle will last you a LONG TIME. 8 drops will go a huge distance.
لشراء زيت الافوكادو حجم العلبه : ( 118 مل )
لشراء زيت الافوكادو حجم العلبه : ( 473 مل )



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